Personal Development

6 Practical Tips for Improving Empathy

By |2024-04-09T14:14:23+00:00April 9th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

In the we world we live in today, we could all use some empathy toward one another. Empathy is the ability we have as humans to feel for another, to try and look at the world from another person’s perspective. Presently, it feels we are living in a world where we are divided and not taking the time to create spaces for connections and dialogue. When empathy is lacking so is kindness, love, understanding, and forgiveness. In this article, we will look at several practical tips for improving empathy. Empathy can be divided into 3 categories, namely affective, somatic, and cognitive. Affective empathy is a person’s ability to respond to what others might be experiencing appropriately. This can mean knowing what to say to someone who is grieving. Somatic empathy is when a person can feel what another person is feeling. They do not need to have gone through a similar experience, they can embody what others feel in different situations and therefore can behave accordingly. Cognitive empathy on the other hand is being able to understand why people respond the way they do or why people feel the way they do about certain situations. They do not necessarily have to agree with the responses, but they understand. There are many ways people can improve their ability to be empathetic toward others. Realizing how important empathy is in our world and our day-to-day relationships and connections is essential. Without empathy, it can be difficult to build long-lasting relationships or partnerships. When people become more empathetic, we also have a kinder world, one that encourages pro-social behavior and unity rather than mistrust and destruction. Living in a world without empathy means that we resign ourselves to indifference with the suffering of others. This gives rise to feelings of superiority, discrimination, [...]

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Mental Health Benefits of Spiritual Counseling

By |2023-12-22T15:50:49+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Spiritual counseling unlocks the how and why of a person’s belief system, helping them discover who they are, what they believe, and the truth of what God says about them. These discoveries can bring a wellspring of mental health benefits. A spiritual coach teaches tools and routines that help a person to connect more deeply to God and unlock the application of God’s word to an individual’s life. Benefits of Spiritual Counseling Spiritual counseling grows many attributes that can benefit your mental health. They include: Self-discovery. As you explore your deeply held beliefs, you can uncover things you have come to believe that are not true or worthwhile. Using God’s word as a guide, you can reorient your values and desires and choose a positive mindset. Through the guidance of a spiritual coach, you can reach a point of letting go of past trauma and lean into healing. Intentional presence. When you begin to understand true joy, you can relax into the importance of being present in the moment. A less anxious state and a deeper abiding trust in God helps you learn to appreciate and fully engage in whatever you are doing. Knowing that God has your future, you are less prone to miss what He is doing right now. Flexibility. As you work with your coach, you will become more deeply anchored in the truths of scripture and your faith. Your growing maturity will equip you to navigate the storms of life with more flexibility and trust. Balance. Spiritual coaching ingrains the balance needed for healthy well-being. This can help with understanding how faith and wellness go together to create a healthy lifestyle. Confidence. Through spiritual coaching you will likely discover that your confidence grows. As you pursue goals that allow you to develop the gifts and [...]

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Body Image Issues: Signs, Factors, and Strategies to Overcome

By |2024-04-23T07:08:25+00:00November 15th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Women’s Issues|

Body image is the way you perceive yourself and how you feel about your body. It is a subjective picture of yourself that may or may not be accurate, and that strongly influences your behavior and the way you treat yourself. Inaccurate thoughts about your body can lead to dissatisfaction and distress and have a major impact on your physical and mental health, self-esteem, and overall emotional well-being. In its most severe form, poor body image is known as body dysmorphic disorder, which is a condition where you become severely obsessed over a perceived flaw that is barely detectable, if at all, and that may not even be noticeable to anyone else. Body image issues are often viewed as a predominantly women’s problem, but men suffer from them as well. Common signs of body image issues. Excessive focus on minor flaws or on certain parts of your body. Viewing yourself as ugly or unattractive and calling yourself derogatory names. Feeling ashamed or embarrassed about your body shape or size and trying to cover it up by wearing baggy or layered clothing. Being unable to accept a compliment. Constantly checking your body in the mirror and/or measuring or weighing yourself. Never being satisfied with your appearance and always thinking something about your body needs fixing. Constantly comparing your appearance with other people’s. Avoiding activities such as swimming where others might notice what your body looks like. Seeking constant reassurance from others that you look okay. Your mood depends on how you perceive yourself in the mirror. You let your physical appearance determine your self-worth. Factors that can lead to body image issues. Social media portrayals of idealized body types that have been airbrushed and edited, that promote unrealistic standards. Prevalent beauty ideals promoted by society. Pressure to conform to cultural [...]

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Ways to Manage Stress While Losing Weight

By |2023-10-19T18:24:01+00:00November 24th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Weight Loss, Women’s Issues|

Did you make losing weight a New Year’s resolution? Did you decide that this was the year for a new start? And just like every year prior, is it hard to manage stress, when it feels like your stress level has gone through the roof? You are not alone. A large percentage of the population cites losing weight as a goal at the beginning of the year. However, the responsibilities of life bear down on us, making reaching that goal that much harder. But you do not have to let the pressure derail your weight loss efforts this year. Instead, learn ways to manage stress and make small shifts in your behavior and mindset to reach your goals. Ways to manage stress and while losing weight When it comes to ways to manage stress, you may have to incorporate the trial-and-error method. For some people, walking each morning outdoors is enough to lower their stress levels. For others, frigid temperatures make walking difficult, so they rely on stretching sessions throughout the day. When you have several options to choose from on ways to manage stress, you can select the ones that work with your lifestyle and forget the rest. Read the tips below and choose a few you can try today. Go outdoors. Getting out into the fresh air can lift your spirits and boost your calorie burn. Sunlight provides vitamin D and can lower blood pressure. Combine this with the act of walking, and now you are strengthening bones and boosting the immune system. When you make walking outdoors a consistent endeavor, it changes your mindset. You come back from your walk energized and calmer than when you started. Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing forces your muscles to relax as you focus on your breath. When you inhale through [...]

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Moving Past Failure On Your Journey Toward Self-Development

By |2024-04-04T12:46:10+00:00September 29th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

For the longest time, Jason had no concept of self-development and felt as though his life was spiraling out of control. He was one of those people who’s been gifted with intelligence, a good sense of humor, and a warm personality that was inviting to others. But it just seemed as though things never quite lined up for him – his relationship with his fiancé ended after they found themselves on different paths in life, and various other friendships of his crumbled when he sought to build accountability into those friendships. He had tried his hand at various business ventures; he had great ideas and a solid work ethic, but somehow things just never quite got off the ground. It wasn’t long after that Jason began to feel like not only had he failed at a few things – he felt as though he was a failure. Life doesn’t always go according to plan or stick to our schedule. Our desires for a certain kind of life get frustrated through a combination of our poor choices, the choices and actions of others, and circumstances simply not lining up in our favor. A business can fail because there are poor systems in place, but even the best-positioned business can struggle in the face of huge events such as a global pandemic or a severe economic recession. The dynamics in personal relationships aren’t always under our control, and that’s partly the reason they are both rewarding and a little scary. Failure will happen in everyone’s life. When things go off the rails, that leaves one with a choice of how to respond meaningfully to that setback. It is possible to use failure to catapult yourself further toward your goals, but that requires the cultivation of a certain mindset regarding self-development. How [...]

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How to Manage Stress with God’s Help

By |2024-04-04T12:48:19+00:00July 25th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

It is something you see wherever you look: your immediate network of friends and colleagues and most certainly on social media – people trying to manage stress by working more. This faulty logic may be that work equals money, and because money is inversely proportional to stress the more money you have, the less stress you have as a result. Is this true? If people could expertly manage stress through more work, then why would God designate a whole day every week to rest and worship? Well, let us start by taking a look at what it is to remember the sabbath, and then how this relates to managing stress. Manage stress through obedience to God Remembering the Sabbath is a command from God. It is not just a good idea that we should seriously consider. It is a direct instruction from the one who designed and knit together each one of us so that we would live in line with how we were designed. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. – Exodus 20:8-11, NIV For a refresher on the type of work God undertook in those first days, open up your Bible to the first page of Genesis. Like himself, God has given us the [...]

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