Spiritual counseling unlocks the how and why of a person’s belief system, helping them discover who they are, what they believe, and the truth of what God says about them. These discoveries can bring a wellspring of mental health benefits. A spiritual coach teaches tools and routines that help a person to connect more deeply to God and unlock the application of God’s word to an individual’s life.

Benefits of Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counseling grows many attributes that can benefit your mental health. They include:


As you explore your deeply held beliefs, you can uncover things you have come to believe that are not true or worthwhile. Using God’s word as a guide, you can reorient your values and desires and choose a positive mindset. Through the guidance of a spiritual coach, you can reach a point of letting go of past trauma and lean into healing.

Intentional presence.

When you begin to understand true joy, you can relax into the importance of being present in the moment. A less anxious state and a deeper abiding trust in God helps you learn to appreciate and fully engage in whatever you are doing. Knowing that God has your future, you are less prone to miss what He is doing right now.


As you work with your coach, you will become more deeply anchored in the truths of scripture and your faith. Your growing maturity will equip you to navigate the storms of life with more flexibility and trust.


Spiritual coaching ingrains the balance needed for healthy well-being. This can help with understanding how faith and wellness go together to create a healthy lifestyle.


Through spiritual coaching you will likely discover that your confidence grows. As you pursue goals that allow you to develop the gifts and talents that God has given, you will more clearly picture your God-given purpose.

Meaningful relationships.

When you understand who you are, your connection with God, and your beliefs, you will become a less defensive and more open person. This will enable you to connect with others in a more meaningful and lasting way.

Using a Bible-based approach

Spiritual coaching uses a Bible-based approach to provide a godly process for making decisions. This approach entails using three principles to guide the overall plan of what is expected from the time spent with a coach.

The principle of faith.

At the core of spiritual coaching is faith, where you can expect to find both hope and grace. This is the most important part of a Christian lifestyle and coaching as well. You can cultivate your relationship with Jesus and achieve the internal changes that will have influence in your overall lifestyle.

Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, proof of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1, NASB

The principle of truth.

Truth is established when a person understands the power of living a life in a relationship with Jesus. As you begin to understand your true self through the work done in spiritual coaching, you can then digest the truth of who Jesus is and what a life of salvation entails.

Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6, NASB

The principle of perseverance.

As you navigate through sessions of spiritual coaching, you will begin to build perseverance that propels you into a lifestyle of steadfastness. While suffering will always exist, you will develop a mindset of patience and trust which will help you overcome tough times.

Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. – James 1:2-4, NASB


Spiritual coaching enables you to engage in a Bible-based plan that will promote growth in your faith. Ultimately, this will benefit your mental health as you experience healing and the renewing of your mind. If you feel that you or a loved one may benefit from meeting with a spiritual coach in Little Elm, Texas, please contact one of the Christian counselors in our directory to connect with a practitioner.

“Flight”, Courtesy of Nila Maria, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Bird”, Courtesy of Jason Pischke, Unsplash.com, CC0 License