Joanna Kucherera

About Joanna Kucherera

Hi there! I am Joanna Kucherera, a Writer, Speaker, and Trainer with a passion for mental health awareness, relationships, and family counseling. I hold an Honours degree in Psychology from The University of Zimbabwe. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am a mother to three wonderful girls and enjoy spending time outdoors. To explore more of my work, please visit

6 Practical Tips for Improving Empathy

By |2024-09-27T09:28:00+00:00April 9th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

In the we world we live in today, we could all use some empathy toward one another. Empathy is the ability we have as humans to feel for another, to try and look at the world from another person’s perspective. Presently, it feels we are living in a world where we are divided and not taking the time to create spaces for connections and dialogue. When empathy is lacking so is kindness, love, understanding, and forgiveness. In this article, we will look at several practical tips for improving empathy. Empathy can be divided into 3 categories, namely affective, somatic, and cognitive. Affective empathy is a person’s ability to respond to what others might be experiencing appropriately. This can mean knowing what to say to someone who is grieving. Somatic empathy is when a person can feel what another person is feeling. They do not need to have gone through a similar experience, they can embody what others feel in different situations and therefore can behave accordingly. Cognitive empathy on the other hand is being able to understand why people respond the way they do or why people feel the way they do about certain situations. They do not necessarily have to agree with the responses, but they understand. There are many ways people can improve their ability to be empathetic toward others. Realizing how important empathy is in our world and our day-to-day relationships and connections is essential. Without empathy, it can be difficult to build long-lasting relationships or partnerships. When people become more empathetic, we also have a kinder world, one that encourages pro-social behavior and unity rather than mistrust and destruction. Living in a world without empathy means that we resign ourselves to indifference with the suffering of others. This gives rise to feelings of superiority, discrimination, [...]

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10 Reasons Why Premarital Counseling is Important

By |2024-09-27T09:25:51+00:00June 13th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Couples that have been seeing each other for a while and are ready to take the next step in their relationship usually seek the services of a counselor or religious leader to walk them through premarital counseling. Not all couples do this, but it is highly recommended. Premarital counseling is a type of therapy for couples who wish to marry and want help to understand the commitment they are about to make. Its purpose is to arm the couple with information and skills for marriage, help discuss problematic issues in the relationship, and evaluate where they stand with each other. Why is premarital counseling important? Each couple is unique. Motivations for seeking pre-marital counseling differ from couple to couple, however, its importance cannot be understated. Below are some common reasons why people should consider doing pre-marital counseling before they get married: Safe and confidential third party. Couples need a safe, confidential place to discuss their relationship. Premarital counseling provides this space. Here couples know that no topic is off limits and having an impartial third party helps the couple open up about things they might not have been able to with other people. Ability to discuss sensitive/hard topics. Some subjects might seem too sensitive to discuss. Going for premarital counseling allows couples to talk freely without the fear of judgment or punishment. Couples will also be taught how to handle such topics in the future. Setting goals. Premarital counseling can help couples set their relational goals and be taught how to plan together. They will learn the tools they will need to succeed as a couple. Gain skills and tools. Like anything new we embark on in life, we need the necessary tools and skills. Marriage is no different. For it to work and stand the test of time, [...]

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What Does Forgiveness Mean?

By |2024-09-27T09:26:57+00:00August 8th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

Perhaps one of the most thought-provoking and challenging things Jesus ever commanded was for us to forgive those who have offended us seventy-seven times if necessary (Matthew 18:20-21 NIV). He had many other things to say about forgiveness and practiced it remarkably even while dying unjustly on the cross (Luke 23:34, NIV). Why is forgiveness often such a difficult thing to do? What does it truly mean to forgive? What Forgiveness Is Not If we are honest with ourselves (and with God), forgiveness is not something that comes easily. It is often difficult to let go of the emotions that arise from experiencing injustice. A partial explanation of this is that anger, bitterness, and resentment – emotions commonly associated with unforgiveness – are immensely powerful emotions, and they can be a form of toxic fuel. In many cases, we never receive an apology let alone restitution. Should forgiveness wait until there is an apology or acknowledgment of guilt? The answer is no. Forgiveness is different from being satisfied with justice. The parent who looks the murderer of their child in the eye and forgives them does not receive their child back. It is not justice. There will remain an empty space in their life, but with forgiveness, that emptiness will no longer be filled with bitterness, resentment, and anger. Forgiveness is also not reconciliation. You are not bound to make amends with the party who hurt you. Forgiveness does not require you to build a bridge that was broken. The abused child may find it in their hearts to forgive their abuser, but that does not mean the relationship is mended, nor does it mean they should try to repair it. In many cases, it is wisdom and self-preservation to cut ties with the one who has damaged you. Forgiveness [...]

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