Anger Issues

Is There Such a Thing as ADHD Anger?

By |2024-09-27T09:33:09+00:00January 10th, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic self-regulation disorder that includes attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and compulsiveness. It usually begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood, with treatment options including medication and managing symptoms through behavioral strategies and therapy. It is one of the most common neuro-developmental disorders affecting children and, because of its anti-social symptoms and ability to hinder performance in school and life, can contribute toward low self-esteem and anxiety for those suffering from it. While anger is a feeling common to all people, many adults and children have developed the ability to respond to it in healthy ways. There is evidence that people struggling with ADHD have a more difficult time doing this. Symptoms of ADHD anger The term ADHD anger, or ADHD rage, has been used to describe this phenomenon which includes explosive outbursts, tantrums in children, mood swings, defiant behavior, or irritability. There are several reasons for this connection between ADHD and anger such as regulation issues, impulsivity, frustration, and medication side effects. Regulation issues. ADHD sufferers have a decreased ability to regulate their emotions, as they have weakened executive functioning. This is the part of the brain responsible for things like problem-solving and planning; and so, when triggered, ADHD anger flares up due to the inability to self-regulate. For children, it means next-level temper tantrums, and, for adults (and kids and teens), a disproportionate emotional response to a situation or an angry outburst. Impulsivity. Impulsivity, which relates to reactions that are not based on thinking through the outcomes, is common for people with ADHD. In the heat of the moment, this impulsivity kicks in and ADHD anger can be unleashed. While this is certainly a common occurrence for humans in general, those struggling with ADHD could have a propensity to act recklessly, [...]

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Self-Soothing Techniques for Anger Management

By |2024-09-27T09:27:14+00:00May 5th, 2023|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anger can arise from seemingly nowhere. One minute you are doing a simple task and the next you are ready to bite off the heads of everyone around you. Anger management is a process and it is often lifelong. Developing self-awareness is critical to moving forward in your anger management. As you become aware of your anger, you can apply different techniques to help you calm down at the moment, as well as uncover the root causes. Anger management is a two-part process First, you need to deal with the moment. You catch yourself ready to snap, perhaps at a person or maybe an inanimate object. Regardless of where your anger is directed at the moment, you notice it is the moment you can do something about it. Take a step back (literally or metaphorically). Take a deep breath. Take several deep breaths. This allows your brain to process the situation. Go get a drink of water. This will slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and give you some time to think. Secondly, you need to retrace your steps. Now that you are aware of your anger, and have stepped back from the situation you can start to deal with why you are angry. Some questions to ask yourself: When did I last eat food or drink water? Do I need to use the bathroom? Am I tired? Why does this thing make me feel out of control? Is there someone else pressuring me? The thing that caused you to lose your temper is rarely the real reason that you are angry. It is often the final straw in a massive pile. By reflecting on the bigger picture, you can identify the issue as well as the trigger. Preemptively preparing and retroactively examining So, you lost your [...]

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Anger in the Bible: Distinguishing Between Righteous and Unrighteous Anger

By |2024-09-27T09:32:53+00:00July 13th, 2022|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Anger seems to be around us everywhere. To be sure, there’s no shortage of good reasons to be angry, from errant politicians to abuses of power by people in positions of authority, and frustration over social and other causes one can think of. Even a cursory look at social media and in-person interactions reveals people expressing anger over a whole host of things. We often see anger that quickly flares up and descends into vitriol and violence. But anger in the Bible? Unfortunately, our sentiments toward anger and its expressions are shaped by what we typically see. For people who only experience destructive outward expressions of anger, it can be hard to reconcile that with the message of the Bible, and so in their own lives, they may resolve to hold onto their anger, button it up, and not express it under any circumstances. The very idea of “righteous anger” would seem a misnomer, or a bad joke someone’s trying to make. How can anger be righteous when it looks like people throwing tables and chairs at each other at a buffet spot? The Bible does make such distinctions, however, and they may help us to steer away from the types of anger and expressions that are displeasing to the Lord, and toward those that honor the Lord and constitute healthy and constructive expressions of anger. Anger in the Bible: Righteous Anger Can anger be “righteous?” The Bible has many examples of people doing horrible things to one another in their anger. After the Lord rejected Cain’s sacrifice, we read, “So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is [...]

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